He cited two key reasons for the transition. One is a desire to be with his family, and the other relates to his passion to be involved in advancing the missional multiplication movement [M3] from the grass roots level. As a result, he will be assuming a position as the Director of Multiplication and Leadership Development in the Pacific Southwest District starting January 1, 2010.
Although it is always momentous to transition leadership, it is exceptionally significant to lose a man of his caliber, vision and passion from leadership at the General Church level. I am grateful for the significant work he provided during his years of service; and I am excited for him to be back "home" with family and once again in the ranks of district leadership.
Phil - You will be missed; and on behalf of the WPA District, I say, "Thank you." We praise God for your investment in facilitating the M3 in western Pennsylvania. You made a significant difference here. May God continue to bless you as continue to fulfill the Great Commission in the spirit of the Great Commandment.
Shawn- thanks for the kind words. I am thrilled for the WPA District as they continue to build m3 in the days, months and years to come. I look forward to our future partnership a fellow district leaders.