The following is taken from Church Planting Movements, David Garrison, International Mission Board: Southern Baptist Convention
1. Prayer: “…it is the vitality of prayer in the missionary’s personal life that leads to its imitation in the life of the new church and its leaders.”
2. Abundant gospel reaping: “Every church planting movement is accompanied by abundant sowing of the gospel. The law of the harvest applies well: `If you sow abundantly you will also reap abundantly.’”
3. Intentional church planting: “In every church planting movement, someone implemented a strategy of deliberate church planting before the movement got under way.”
4. Scriptural authority: “Scripture provided the rudder for the church’s life, and its authority was unquestioned.”
5. Local leadership: “Missionaries involved in church planting movements often speak of the self-discipline required to mention church planters rather that do the job of church planting themselves.”
6. Lay leadership: “Church planting movements are driven by lay leaders. These lay leaders are typically bi-vocational and come from the general profile of the people group being reached.”
7. Cell or house church: “…the vast majority of the churches continue to be small, reproducible cell churches of 10-30 members meeting in homes or storefronts.”
8. Churches planting churches: “At some point…the movement entered a multiplicative phase of reproduction, the churches themselves began planting new churches. In order for this to occur, church members have to believe that reproduction is natural and that no external aids are needed to start a new church.”
9. Rapid reproduction: “When rapid reproduction is taking place, you can be assured that the churches are unencumbered by nonessential elements and the laity are fully empowered to participate in this work of God.”
10. Healthy churches: “Most agree that healthy churches should carry out the following five purposes: 1) worship, 2) evangelistic and missionary outreach, 3) education and discipleship, 4) ministry and 5) fellowship.”
They did. We Will!
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