Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wesleyan Church Planting Path

Courtesy of the Evangelism & Church Growth Department of The Wesleyan Church
Here's a different way of looking at the church planting process within The Wesleyan Church, courtesy of our denominational headquarters--it's a good reminder that seeing new churches come to fruition is a continuous journey and an adventure.

Is God speaking to your heart about walking this path as a church planter? If you'd like to know more about how God might be able to use you, contact us.

You can download a copy the Wesleyan Church Planting Path as a .pdf here.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Observations from CPAC Canada

This past week, I spent several days with pastors from across the Central Canada District of the Wesleyan Church. I was invited up there to help them assesses a group of potential church planters who are seeking to plant in various regions across all of Canada.

It was a great week!

I love meeting with passionate leaders who are facilitating missional Church Planting movements, and these leaders are doing it in Canada! The leadership has an incredible vision that reaches across the nation from one coast to the other!

Here are a few observations from my time with our Northern Brothers & Sisters:

- Great movements require great vision and these leaders have it!

- They also have a community marked by genuine unity and love, which will serve them well. [ref. John 13:35]

- Reaching all of Canada for Jesus is a Big Hairy Audacious Goal [BHAG]...and I love it!

- There’s nothing quite like being in a place of obedience where if God doesn’t show up…we will fail. There is no better place to be.

- When Canadians decide to do something, they’re ALL IN! I believe that pleases the heart of God. [ref. Revelation 3:15-16]

- The men & women I journeyed with this week are every sense of the word. They are blazing trails for Jesus into new places...dark places...places ready for harvest.

I invite you to join me in praying for us and them as we all continue to take the Good News of Jesus to the ends of the earth.

I never grow tired of seeing God raise up men & women to advance His Kingdom. He's doing it in Canada, and He's doing it in Western PA! It’s exciting to see it!

I love that we serve a Global God.