Multiplying believers, leaders and churches in Western Pennsylvania.
The mission of Christmas was defined by the divine angelic announcement. “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.”(Luke 2:11) During these days of reflection upon and celebration of Christmas, it is my desire that a sincere understanding of the mission of Christmas will result in an increased urgency of partnering in the missional multiplication movement among the pastors and laity of the Western Pennsylvania District.
God and He alone is to be praised for the tremendous momentum that this movement has experienced in 2009. Revs. Karen & Doug Rhone are aggressively pursuing the planting of “The Well” in Philipsburg as Hyde Wesleyan prepares to give birth to this daughter church. Rev. Rick & Eunice Cox, along with Rev. Jeremiah & Sarah Gomez are passionately pursing the planting of a Wesleyan Church in Pittsburgh. GOD IS DOING AN AMAZING WORK IN WPA…I TRUST YOU ARE CATCHING THE VISION! O’ by the way pastor, if you have not yet been in contact with Karen, Rick, and Jeremiah about coming to your church to present their need for prayer and financial partners in this evangelistic mission of reaching the lost for Jesus, please extend that invitation soon!
Walking through the threshold of 2010 is only a few days away; with that in mind, be sure to keep the Missional Multiplication Movement’s “5 P’s” a priority for your personal ministry and the local congregation you shepherd. Our district goal has been that by this coming New Year, 100% of the District Churches would be committed to:PROMOTION, PUBLIC AFFIRMATION and PRAYER. In addition, 20 of our District Churches would be committed to: PROVISION and PERMISSION. Join with me in praying that literally thousands of lost people will come to know Christ and be effectively discipled in His Lordship, in Western PA. http://www.theydidwewill.org/blogspot.com
Merry Christmas to you and your family! May the Spirit of the mission of Christmas be evident in 2010 in WPA as together we fulfill the Great Commission in the spirit of the Great Commandment by multiplying believer, leaders, and churches.
“THEY DID…WE WILL” in 2010
Harvesters together,
Randy A. Swink
District Superintendent
Here is an update from Karen that was sent yesterday:
Just wanted to give you our update. As you know we finished our time line. We have a few tweaks to it as we do our budget. We hope to have our budget done by Jan. 4th. We are meeting the borough manager and his wife of Philipsburg for supper tonight. We are hoping that we are building a friendship with them. I've contacted the school about rental, talked with the movie theater and started registration of the plant with the General Secretary. So much to do and it can be very overwhelming. I went to my oncologist on Friday and my blood work was good and the mammogram was clear. Praise God!! I see my surgeon tomorrow - then the doctor visits will be over for a while. :O)
Prayer requests:
- Pray that God gives us peace as we walk this road and not become overwhelmed with all the things we have to do.
- Pray that He would continue to help us find the keys to unlock the community.
- Pray for the lost and broken that we will be able to reach them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
- Pray God would work in hearts to be a part of the launch team.
Have a great week. Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas!
The Western Pennsylvania District exists to equip pastoral leadership and empower local Wesleyan Churches to fulfill the Great Commission in the spirit of the Great Commandment by multiplying believers, leaders, and churches.
It is our vision to partner with local churches to create a missional multiplication movement by 2010.