Sunday, November 29, 2009
Prayer this week

Saturday, November 28, 2009
Pittsburgh Plant Update
Things continue to progress for the Pittsburgh church plant. Here an update from Rick and some specific ways to pray:
Recent Happenings
Our proposal for a multi-church plant endeavor was accepted and approved by the district CMTF on Nov. 10th!
We took an exploratory trip to Pittsburgh with the Gomez's, and together we came away with such a strong feeling of confirmation that we are where God wants us to be.
Our coaching contract has been signed. It is official. Dr. Blair Ritchey is our coach.
We will be developing a strategic action plan for Pittsburgh with Chris Conrad on December 2-4.
- Pray for our support letter that has been sent to our donor base.
- Pray for us as we schedule services within the district where we will be sharing our vision for Pittsburgh.
- Pray for us as we look for the "right place" to live. The selection of our home is very strategic. We need a home that will be central to our ministry, that will have space large enough for entertaining/ministry, as well as a home that is in a "safe" community.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Small Actions, Lasting Impact

The following is taken from the 11/25/09 Edition of the Expanding Wave, which is written by Rev. Phil Stevenson and distributed by the Department of Evangelism & Church Growth. Enjoy!
November 3 marked the 291st birthday of an individual who is honored daily. He is remembered on playgrounds, in lunch rooms, by sidewalk vendors, and by moms and dads. In fact, one company honors him in 22,000 locations with $10 billion (yes, with a ‘B’) in annual sales. Who is this honoree? It is none other than John Montagu the fourth, Earl of Sandwich.
According to legend, this British aristocrat “ordered a piece of meat tucked between two pieces of bread. Others soon requested ‘the same as Sandwich’….” (Fast Company, Nov. 09) And lunches have never quite been the same. It is interesting to note that a small action made in a seemingly obscure location could make such a lasting impact on so many. Haven’t we all, albeit unknowingly, honored the Earl through the digesting of a sandwich?
What action is your church taking to make a lasting impact? I don’t ask how many attend your church. I don’t ask how significant your location is. I simply suggest you consider-- what action(s) you might take that will make a significant impact?
You don’t have to be large to make a lasting impact. You don’t have to be in significant locations to make an impact that will be felt around the word. What you do today might not even be noticed, but your actions could leave their mark, much like John Montagu.
There is much opportunity for smaller works. Leadership Network reports that over half of all Protestant churches average less than 100 in worship. These smaller congregations can make some significant things happen if they so choose. What might a smaller church do to make a lasting impact?
Be a generous church. Generosity is not an amount, but an attitude. Think in terms of the widow’s few coins. She simply gave out of her available resources. Too often smaller congregations focus on what they don’t have instead of what they do have. God expects generosity from what is at our disposal, not that which we have no access. God asked Moses what was in his hand (Ex.4:2). It was what Moses had, and was willing to release to God, that made a lasting impact.
Share the gospel. You can be the gospel presence in your community. Sharing the gospel does not necessitate big programs, lots of people, nor large buildings. Sharing the gospel needs only a people broken-hearted for those disconnected from God.
Pray missionally. This is praying not just for yourself, but those outside your walls. It is easy for any church to get so ingrown that they never ask God to work outside their walls. They limit God to inside the walls stuff. This can be exaggerated in smaller churches. Smaller churches have many needs. Resist the pull to mainly pray internally. Discipline yourself to pray externally.
Get involved in meeting needs. Every community has needs. Take time to identify some of those needs. Mobilize to meet them. It might be simply partnering with a community organization working with them to meet the needs of those they serve.
Partner with God. Ask God to show you what you need to see. Step out in faith on endeavors that will stretch your local congregation’s faith.
Small congregations need to view themselves as mustard seed communities. The mustard seed was the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of garden plants (Mk.4:31-32). You may be small, but the work you do can be mighty. It can have eternal impact. Grow where God has planted you.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Update on “The Well”
Things continue to progress for the Philipsburg church plant [The Well]. Here an update from Karen and some specific ways to pray:
We are praying that God would raise up people to be on the launch team. Also, we are meeting with town officials next Friday(Nov. 20th) pray that God would help us to see the community through His eyes and heart. We have a facebook page called The Well Philipsburg. Doug is working on a web page. Prayer cards and business cards are being printed as I type this e-mail. Things are moving a long. We will be doing our first community outreach on Dec. 5th at the Philipsburg Christmas parade. We will be giving out hats/gloves/mittens. I think this is about all the "news" we have for now.
Great things are happening as the M3 advances across the district. Please continue to pray!
The best is yet to come.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Message from the DS
On this Veteran’s Day, we are reminded of the high price of freedom that we are so blessed to experience. Those brave men and women who are currently serving and those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice remind us of the cost that has been paid for our protection and security. In light of this freedom we enjoy in our beloved America, I am thrilled and pleased to make you aware of the following information.
As you are already aware, Rev. Rick & (Eunice) Cox and Rev. Jeremiah & (Sarah) Gomez were approved by the CMTF (Church Multiplication Task Force) and the DBA to serve as Church Planters in the Western PA District. On, Tuesday, November 10, 2009, the CMTF granted their approval for Rick and Jeremiah to plant a church in the Pittsburgh region. Rick will be serving as the Lead Pastor and Jeremiah will be serving as the Assistant Pastor. It will be in the DNA of this new church plant that, in 3-5 years, they will daughter a church with the potential of Jeremiah serving as the Church Planting Pastor.
When contacted by Rick or Jeremiah, (or you may contact them at: Rick – 724.427.4454; Jeremiah – 717.609.7504), I trust you will invite them to share with your congregation the missional multiplication movement as it relates to the Pittsburgh Church Plant. As you pray about your Church’s involvement in this district movement, I would encourage your church to be participating in at least 3 to 5 of the “P’s” that we have set as district goals to be accomplished by 2010. Those five “P’s” being: PRAYER, PROMOTION, PUBLIC AFFIRMATION, PROVISION and PERMISSION. Pastor, don’t miss this opportunity for your church to be a blessing and be blessed!
In addition to praying for the Coxes and Gomezs, continue to be praying for Revs. Karen and Doug Rhone. The Rhones are aggressively pursing planting “The Well” in Philipsburg as a daughter church of Hyde Wesleyan.
Join with me in praying that literally thousands of lost people will find Christ and be effectively discipled in His Lordship through the missional multiplication movement of the Western PA District. We must fulfill the Great Commission in the Spirit of the Great Commandment.
Pastor’s, I firmly believe that this missional multiplication movement is a “GOD MOMENT” and a “GOD THING’ in the life of our district. To God and Him alone be all the glory and praise!
Harvesters together,
Randy A. Swink
District Superintendent
Friday, November 6, 2009
Church Planter Updates [November]

What has happened recently:
- We recently completed assessment and received a green light.
- We have identified a coach to assist us as we journey through this process.
What’s happening next:
- We will be meeting with the CMTF on November 10th in order to pursue a final resolution on a plant location and potential plant partners.
- We will be meeting with Chris Conrad in December for training.
- We continue to communicate with previous potential partners.
Ways to Pray:
- Pray that God will confirm the community & people we are to reach through this church plant in our hearts and the hearts of those involved.
- Pray that God will help us to develop a plan to effectively reconcile thousands of people to God through Jesus by this plant and future plants that will be daughtered out of it.
Jeremiah & Sarah Gomez

Jeremiah & Sarah Gomez are in the process of pursuing God’s vision for their church plant. That involves a people and a place. Here are a few updates and ways to pray for Jeremiah & Sarah. If you would like more information or want to be a part of this new church, you can e-mail Jeremiah at jeremiah@jxgomez.com.
What has happened recently:
- We recently completed the Church planter Assessment Center and received a green light to proceed. [Note: You can learn more about that process through some posts at www.jxgomez.com.]
- We have continued to prayerfully pursue and assess opportunities for employment and service.
What’s happening next:
- Jeremiah will be meeting as part of the CMTF on November 10th to assist in advancing the M3 across the district and to discuss specific next steps for our plant.
- We are communicating with friends, family and other potential prayer partners to intercede for us.
- We continue to pursue God and his plan and steps as we formulate our specific course. [ref. Proverbs 16:9]
Ways to Pray:
- Pray seal upon our hearts the people and the place where we are to serve and reach with the Good News of Jesus.
- Pray that God will help us formulate the specific plan to reach that community and then increasingly multiply believers, leaders and churches.
Karen & Doug Rhone

What has happened recently:
-It was an exciting service when the name The Well was announced. We have a buzz about the church plant at Hyde and excitement is building.
- We have been making connections with people in the community from store clerks to restaurant workers. We are excited to see the doors God opens.
What’s happening next:
- We will be meeting with Chris Conrad on Nov. 30th for training.
- We are speaking at Hyde and several other churches in the district in the next few months. We are so thankful for these pastors and congregations that have invited us to come and share the vision for The Well.
-We are hoping to have an outreach in Philipsburg the end of November or the first part of December.
- Richard Cox has scheduled a prayer drive for Hyde on the 22nd. We are excited about this too. Many things are happening and God is moving!
Ways to Pray:
- Pray that God would show us the "keys" to the community.
- Pray that God will help us to see this community through His eyes and understand His plans for the people.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Good Resource
Here is as a great survey by Dr. Harold Longenecker for churches in small towns and rural communities to assess congregational health:
Keep pressing on!