Saturday, July 14, 2012
All new
This blog will no longer host new entries--for the latest blog posts & information surf on over to today!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
M3 Manager
- An extra layer of insulation: The M3 Manager doesn't serve to distance anyone from our strategic leaders or the District--I'm not a red-tape dispenser, but someone to help people navigate our processes and engage with the M3 in Western PA at an increased level of activity and efficiency.
- Anyone is leaving their current role: Rev. Shawn Cossin will still be the chairperson of our CMTF and our District Evangelism & Church Growth Director; our Church Multiplication Task Force will still function in much the same way it has thus far; and I will report directly to Rev. Cossin, the Task Force, and the District Superintendent. The desire for the M3 Manager position is that by implementing something like this, each element in our M3 can play to its strengths resulting in greater momentum and reach.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Bridge Family Fun Day

Dear Friends of The Bridge,
Thank you so much for praying. We had our Family Fun Day this past Sat. and when much of the country was being hit by Hurricane Irene we had an absolutely beautiful day. An hour away they were getting rain. I believe God was smiling down on our day.
We prayed that our volunteers would be bold in sharing their faith and we had one young man pray to get saved. Please pray for this young man who comes with a lot of hurt in his life. Pray that we will be able to effectively disciple him and help him in his new walk. Many of our volunteers had many good conversations with people. Pray that the seed that was planted will bring forth fruit.
We had 6 young mothers want to be a part of our MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers, group and others expressed an interest in coming. Help us pray for this group. God is using it. The Bridge's very first convert was one of our MOPS moms and there are others in the group who are close to the kingdom. Help us pray that God will send us older ladies who will help us with childcare.
We had 400+/- people come to Family Fun Day, and we made many new connections. This morning there were new people in church because of the event and they all said they would be back. There are others in our community who are showing an interest in our church but haven't made that step in coming yet. Help us pray for these people.
A big shout out goes to all our volunteers. Again we were overwhelmed and blessed by the show of support from our district. We were praying for 75 volunteers and even though we didn't get an exact count we know it was over 100. We couldn't have done it without these people. Our Bridge people were so blessed that so many would come and help us out in this way. Then we were so proud of the people who are coming to The Bridge. Nearly everyone who calls The Bridge home was there working. What a blessing.
We had 24 area businesses who either donated or came and took part in the day.
God continues to move in our community and is using The Bridge to make an impact.
Thank you for praying.
Rick and Eunice
The Bridge
P.S. The picture is part of our awesome group of volunteers. Overwhelming!!!
Monday, August 22, 2011
The Bridge Family Fun Day Prayer
Dear Friends of The Bridge,
We are needing your prayers. Our second Family Fun Day is Saturday, August 27th. Last year God gave us a wonderful day. This morning the Lord reminded me that we can't run today on the Lord's past blessings. We need God to show up in a fresh new way, but we must call out to Him and ask him to come. We are asking you to hold us up in prayer over the next 10 days.
Pray Requests:
When people drive into the park they would feel the Lord's presence.
(We prayed this prayer last year and we actually had a lady tell us on the way out. "You all must be praying people for I felt the Lord's presence when I came into the park. We want this again this year.)
Most of our Bridge congregation are helping this year.
Pray that God will give them a boldness when talking to people. That they would be
sensitive when people are hungry and will share their faith.
This year we have 3 bands and a drama team performing.
Pray that God will use them to speak to hearts.
Pray that people will have the courage to stop by our prayer tent for prayer and that
God will give wisdom to those working there.
Pray that we will have the number of volunteers we need.
Pray that we will see new people coming to The Bridge through this event and ultimately coming to know Christ.
Pray that we will have good weather as we don't have a back up plan.
If you are able to come on the 27th please do. If you are not able to attend, would you consider praying for us between 1-4 pm on the 27th?
Let's unite our hearts together and believe the hand of God to move!
Rick and Eunice
The Bridge
PS. Please pass this on to your praying friends.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
2011 District Conference Update Video
Three years ago, we publically launched into a process of developing a Missional Multiplication Movement in Western PA, and it is amazing to see it happening!
I love what God is doing in Western Pennsylvania!
As part of our 4th district conference, we were able to celebrate the following highlights:
:: 2 new church plants [The Well & The Bridge].
:: 9 decisions for Jesus in the new churches
:: 2 Parent/Daughtering Churches [Hyde Wesleyan & Collin Creek Community]
:: 2 new church planting couples [Dan & Wendy Bach, Richard & Tonya Cox]
:: 1 additional couple in process
God has done so much. Its amazing, but we're not done.
There is more to come! In fact, the best is yet to come!!
Thank you for you ongoing support!
Here’s the update video if you missed it.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Wesleyan Church Planting Path
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Courtesy of the Evangelism & Church Growth Department of The Wesleyan Church |
Is God speaking to your heart about walking this path as a church planter? If you'd like to know more about how God might be able to use you, contact us.
You can download a copy the Wesleyan Church Planting Path as a .pdf here.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Observations from CPAC Canada

This past week, I spent several days with pastors from across the Central Canada District of the Wesleyan Church. I was invited up there to help them assesses a group of potential church planters who are seeking to plant in various regions across all of Canada.
It was a great week!
I love meeting with passionate leaders who are facilitating missional Church Planting movements, and these leaders are doing it in Canada! The leadership has an incredible vision that reaches across the nation from one coast to the other!

Here are a few observations from my time with our Northern Brothers & Sisters:
- Great movements require great vision and these leaders have it!
- They also have a community marked by genuine unity and love, which will serve them well. [ref. John 13:35]
- Reaching all of Canada for Jesus is a Big Hairy Audacious Goal [BHAG]...and I love it!
- There’s nothing quite like being in a place of obedience where if God doesn’t show up…we will fail. There is no better place to be.
- When Canadians decide to do something, they’re ALL IN! I believe that pleases the heart of God. [ref. Revelation 3:15-16]
- The men & women I journeyed with this week are every sense of the word. They are blazing trails for Jesus into new places...dark places...places ready for harvest.
I invite you to join me in praying for us and them as we all continue to take the Good News of Jesus to the ends of the earth.
I never grow tired of seeing God raise up men & women to advance His Kingdom. He's doing it in Canada, and He's doing it in Western PA! It’s exciting to see it!
I love that we serve a Global God.